As a wedding planner, i’m here to keep it real and offer you tips when helping you learn how to plan a California Redwoods elopement. Learning how to plan an elopement on your own can become overwhelming very quickly. Make sure to follow these 3 tips to get your planning off to the best start possible!

#1 Keep things simple for your California Redwoods Elopement

Don’t overdo it. You’re eloping for a reason, soak in the natural elements and let them play to your advantage. This can be in regards to your florals, your table scape, your attire.. Really anything, just keep it simple! 

The simpler you decide to keep your elopement, the less of a chance you have for any hiccups. When you decide to elope in the California Redwoods I always remind couples to be flexible and understanding.. be prepared to just go with the flow! You HAVE to be okay and comfortable with the unexpected whenever you allow mother nature to be your venue.

PRO TIP – Make your elopement motto ‘Lets Just Roll with The Punches!’

#2 Utilize what’s around you in the redwoods!

The California Redwoods are a beautiful location to host your special elopement. I love incorporating the natural elements into my designs. Simple or not, you’re eloping in the trees, so you must love what you see.

The idea of setting up a table scape seems easy, but trust me.. You’ll encounter things you don’t expect and possibly you haven’t prepared for.

Have a purpose and reason for the items you choose to bring along on your elopement journey. For example: At the California Redwoods elopement, not only is this table ‘linen’ used as just that, but it’s actually a blanket.. Which you might need once the sun goes down! 

#3 Hire a planner… & JUST ENJOY 

It might seem silly to bring in a planner for a small 2 person elopement, but let me ask you this. While you’re wearing your dress and you’re all dolled up, do you want to be the one setting up the table or hiking down with chairs on your back?

Trust me when I say it’s worth the few extra dollars so you can be in the moment and look pretty while doing it. I can see why one might at first thought be against the idea of a planner or coordinator, but if done correctly you’ll actaully save yourself money and STRESS in the long run.

With an expert behind all your decisions, purchases and negotiations, an elopement planning truly is an investment that will give you peace of mind on wedding day.. even if its for a small group in the California Redwoods!

Marissa Giacomo | CA + DESTINATION WEDDING PLANNER | Traveling to you!

If you’ve made it this far & you love this location – head to check out @ventanabigsur in person near Big Sur or follow the link about to see some of my other work at the same venue.. with a different vibe!

The property is beautiful and you can even stay on site and make a weekend out of your elopement

Fell free to check out my Pinterest board for all your wedding inspiration needs

OR Follow me on Instagram to see my latest work

To book a wedding exploration call, head to my contact page and let’s get something on the books

California Redwoods Elopement Planning Tips!